The Plot Unfolds

The acclaimed series by author Rachael L. McIntosh was named

Best New Series by

Rachel's Books2

Security Through Absurdity

Sometimes truth is best told through Fiction.

In Security Through Absurdity author Rachel L. McIntosh weaves a story of corporate shenanigans, an unstable home life, and a quixotic presidential campaign. These situations propel Jocelyn through a believably bizarre journey and into dangerous psychological territory. In a matrix of life threatening situations, she is forced to question the very fabric of her GenX American upbringing.

Little Yellow Stickies

Security Through Absurdity Book One

Jocelyn McLaren is a beautiful, hard working, yet naive visual artist who, through a twist of fate, ends up working for a major US defense contractor during the lead up to the Iraq war. She unknowingly witnesses and unwittingly participates in crimes that haunt her and are ultimately interlinked with the most nefarious psychopaths on the planet.


Bubbles Will Pop

Security Through Absurdity Book Two

Jocelyn McLaren, a former defense contractor, is now a new mother to twins! As she struggles to maintain what she images to be a normal family during the economic turmoil of the US housing collapse, she becomes involved in a political campaign and encounters troubling remnants of her life working for the military-industrial complex. These interactions haunt her, as well as the father of her children, and are ultimately interlinked with some of the most dangerous psychopaths on the planet.


The Big Show

Security Through Absurdity Book Three

“The Big Show,” chronicles Jocelyn McLaren’s involvement with a presidential election. As her history of working for a US defense conglomerate collides with global finance and murder her future becomes increasingly unstable. Will she survive?

